Stir It Up After School Club Terms & Conditions

To the Parent/Carer

We are thrilled that your child(ren) will be joining us for the Stir It up after school club.  Please read the below terms and conditions and tick at the bottom that you agree with them In order for your child to attend the Stir It Up after school club. 

Stir It Up’s Agreement

Staff of Stir It Up will:

  • Be welcoming to all and treat your son/daughter fairly, care for him/her well and ensure that they cook safely and happily. 

  • Listen & respond to any concerns raised by the pupils, parents or the school.

  • Please ask us if you would like to be informed about his/ her progress at any time. You can contact us via an email to

  • Help/him her to develop a sense of responsibility and pride whilst creating their dishes and to be considerate to others in the group.

  • We encourage high standards of behaviour at all times and we work with the school to ensure we follow their code of conduct and expected levels of behaviour. We will report poor behaviour to the school and follow their advice on escalating issues. 

  • We reserve the right to refuse a child participation in the Stir It Up club if it is felt that they are not complying with our behaviour policy. Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated as it may compromise the safety of others in the class. 

  • Follow the school’s safe guarding policy and raise any concerns with the appropriate staff. 

  • Ensure that the ingredients used are appropriate for the pupils and are suitable for known intolerances and dietary requirements.

  • If necessary we will administer first aid and escalate any serious concerns immediately to the school staff. 

  • Stir It Up will insist on high levels of personal hygiene. We require all children to thoroughly wash their hands with soap before we cook. Due to COVID-19 we will also insist that they use any-viral hand foam, which we will provide. Please can all pupils with long hair arrive with it neatly tied back. 

Parent / Carer Agreement

I/We will:

  • Ensure that my son/daughter attends the Stir It Up club as agreed.

  • Support Stir It Up’s and the school’s policies and rules, including those on discipline and behaviour, kitchen safety and personal hygiene.

  • Give the school permission to or directly notify Stir It Up about any problems which might affect my child’s behaviour.

  • Pick up my child(ren) on time or inform the school if you are going to be late so that alternative arrangements can be made.

  • I will make Stir It Up aware of any foreseen absences in advance of the class I will disclose all details of known dietary requirements / allergies / intolerances to Stir It Up. 

  • I will disclose details of any Special Educational Needs (SEN) to ensure that the Str It Up staff can work safely with the whole group.  

Pupil Agreement

I will:

  • Attend the Stir It Up club as on time.

  • Come with an open mind and ready to explore new foods and flavours and learn new skills.

  • Thoroughly wash my hands with soap prior to cooking and use anti-viral hand foam.

  • Listen to my teacher and do as I am asked.

  • Be courteous, behave well and be polite to others.

  • Join in all the club’s activities.


In the event that Stir It Up cancels a session we will inform the school so that alternative arrangements can be made. You will be given a full refund for the class missed. 

Please be advised that if the school cancels a session, or if sessions are cancelled due to circumstances outside our control (for example the weather, industrial action or COVID-19) you will not be refunded any monies by Stir It Up.


It is important that children are collected as soon as the club finishes.  Unless otherwise specified, in writing, all children will remain at school until collected.  It is vital that you inform the school (or Stir It Up in writing) if somebody other than the person known to the school is collecting your child. We will not release children to people unless otherwise informed by the parent/carer. If due to unforeseen circumstances the person collecting is going to be late collecting your child, please phone the school so that suitable arrangements can be made.

Data Collection

Stir It Up takes your privacy very seriously and will only use your personal information to provide you with services you have requested from us. However, from time to time we'd like to contact you with details of our other classes and workshops.

For details of our Privacy Policy please visit